Our story

We are so excited you’ve found our little corner of the internet! Before you dive in, you’re probably wondering who we are and how we got here.
So let us introduce ourselves!
We’re Bruce and Shelly and we actually met in Cape Cod, where neither of us lived at the time. We met doing summer stock theater (shout out to College Light Opera Company!) during the summer before our senior year of college. Shelly lived in Memphis, TN at the time and Bruce lived in Burlington, VT. We were in a long distance relationship for our senior year of college after which, Shelly moved up to Burlington, VT and the rest is history!

Neither of us were big travelers before we met. Bruce had been on a few school trips that took him to Europe and India but hadn’t done any traveling on his own. Shelly had never been on a plane before she went to Cape Cod, much less out of the country!
When we met, we immediately starting planning travel on every available break (when money allowed!). We roadtripped across the country and Canada, visited almost every small town in New England and then finally saved enough money to head out to Europe for 2 weeks where our wanderlust really took off. We’ve continued to travel domestically and internationally throughout the decade we’ve been together.

Spent Christmases in the Florida Keys, Paris, Portugal and Spain
Cruised on the Danube
Hiked with Gorillas and Chimpanzees
Kayaked in the Mediterranean Sea
Swam with Reef Sharks
And more, all while holding down normal 9-5 jobs. Currently we do about 2-3 international trips a year and travel domestically every month (not always a far trek!).

Our Travel Style
- We are fast travelers, meaning we don’t spend many days in one place, and the days we do spend there are busy. We live our lives like that, so travel for us is no different.
- We fit between budget and luxury travel. This essentially breaks down to splurging on amazing food and experiences while keeping flights, transportation and accommodations cheap (unless covered with our travel hacking hustle!).
- We love to visit the outdoors and hike, kayak and camp, but we’ve really only explored the US in this way. We’re excited to explore more of the world off the grid.
- We don’t spend much time in the touristy places. We’ll typically try to talk to locals to find places off the beaten path (though we do typically see some of the big attractions (e.g., the Eiffel Tower, the Acropolis, Key West, etc.).
- We love to walk cities on foot and stumble into places. If it looks cool, we’ll probably check it out. We’ve had some really amazing finds this way!

So that’s us! We absolutely love to travel and have dedicated our lives to finding ways to afford and plan travel. We are so excited to share the best of the best we’ve found so you can get out there too!
Want to connect? Join us in our insider Facebook group or send us an email at contact@travelmorepodcast.com