Bucket List Trips: Paris for $3,000

Original Air Date 02/21/23

Travel More Podcast

EP04 Bucket List Travels: Paris for $3,000 


Stuck on the budget for that dream trip to Europe? Would you believe us if we said you could have a week in Paris for just $3000, without staying in hostels, skipping experiences or saying no to your 3rd pastry of the day? Stick around to hear our full itinerary breakdown of our Christmas in Paris for two and we’ll share a treasure trove of tips on how to create a trip of your own that you can book THIS YEAR.


#1  Breaking Down Costs of International Travel : Transportation and Accommodation

  • Your number one expense is probably going to be transportation and accommodations. These are also things you cannot adjust on the fly so you have to be specific about the budget for this. This is where our favorite (Scott’s Cheap Flights) is the only way we’re able to do these trips. Our total costs for transportation was: $995 and accommodations: $755. That brings the total so far to: $1750

#2 Breaking Down Costs of International Travel: Entertainment

  • Plenty of things to do cheaply (or even free!). There are usually a plethora of free walking tours that can give you the lay of the land. There are often hidden gems to be found when walking around cities and keeping your eyes out. In fact, we found a Christmas concert in Saint Chapel for $50/per person that we jumped on! We also headed for Disneyland Paris, which was a really amazing experience and a great way to add some variety in our trip. It was also cool to compare the different parks (we’ve been to 3 park systems, Walt Disney World Resorts, Disneyland Resorts and now Disneyland Paris!). Entertainment costs bring our total to: $2150 but we were able to cover those expenses through some simple travel hacking. **Quick note here- you can almost never use travel points on Disney tickets because they don’t code as travel! We simply covered part of our accommodations that we had already planned in the budget to cover the cost of the Disney tickets!  

#3 Breaking Down Costs of International Travel: Food

  • Because we “travel hacked” our way out of the cost of Disney tickets, we had $1250 (or over $200/day) for food, and that’s a good thing too because we were in Paris afterall. We went to over a dozen patisseries, multiple Christmas markets, cafes, gastropubs, etc. We definitely did not feel deprived of food this trip! In fact, we had to come home and eat some veggies because we were so full of bread! So after eating our way through Prais, Strasbourg and Disneyland Paris, we met our total budget of $3000. 



Start your travel hacking journey the easy way. Start Here- Travel Hacking Beginners 

Join Going (Scott’s Cheap Flights) to jump on flight deals and find amazing opportunities like we did here!  


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Don’t waste something you’re already paying for! Email us at info@magicpasstravel.com to see how we can help you make the most out of your upcoming Disney or Universal vacation!

Meet the Bargers

Bruce and Shelly are a 30-something couple always on the lookout for cheap eats, wildlife sightings and a good brewery. They started traveling together ten years ago and haven't looked back. They travel internationally at least three times a year and have been to 42 states, all while holding those pesky 9-5 jobs. They hope you can take these travel tips and live the life you've only dreamed about!

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